Monday, November 8, 2010

Busy Busy Busy.

Life has been very busy lately for this girl. A couple weeks ago I started teaching at an after school program in Cambridge. I am teaching a Theatre group for 1at through 6th graders and then a 3rd grade homework club. I absolutely LOVE working with kids and this defiantly pumps me up to teach. I also got a THIRD job that I had training for this past Friday at 4:30am. Talk about CRAZYYY!!

When it comes to school, school is keeping me busy also. Lots of papers, reading, etc. But I love staying busy. Class registration is also this week and now that I have my education concentration all settled [Psychology], I am all set to register!

Other then school and work, it is almost Thanksgiving break! It is so odd that school has gone by so fast already. I cannot imagine how fast these next three years will go by. I also will be certified to teach Zumba in a month and two days and am SO PUMPED! With my Aunt being an instructor, my Mom getting certified with me, and the several Zumbathons I have participated in within the last two weeks, I am more then ready to get certified and start teaching her at Johnson. And the worse of all things, IT IS SNOWING! A lot. Even though it is mainly freezing rain, I hate seeing the ground white unless it is the week of Christmas. Should of expected it this early, seeing how I am on top of a mountain. ;)

Off to do homework and such. Keep warm and take care!

Ash :)

P.S. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Midnight Premiere in 11 Days. Can you say "BOO YEAH!!!!!!!!". :D

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